Neuro Inflammation and NeuroRegenex

Managing Neuroinflammation: How NeuroRegenex Supports Brain Health

Hi, it’s Dr. Klepzig here. Today, I want to talk about neuroinflammation and NeuroRegenex, a topic that’s central to many conditions I see in my practice. Whether it’s ADHD, insomnia, Parkinson’s disease, depression, or anxiety, these issues often stem from inflammation in the central nervous system. There’s usually some level of neurological inflammation within the system that leads to these symptoms, and if we don’t address that root cause, it can be hard to truly heal.

Neuro Inflammation Support with NeuroRegenex

“When we talk about neuroinflammation, we’re really addressing a broader problem—how our modern lifestyle has affected our bodies. Our food supply has been altered so drastically over the years, which has had a huge impact on our immune system. That’s led to systemic inflammation, and what I often see is that neurological inflammation is just a subset of that. Over time, this can build up and affect things like memory, cognition, and processing speed.”

– Dr. Klepzig

Additionally, as we age, it’s not uncommon to feel like our brains aren’t serving us as well as they used to. But why is that? It’s a combination of our genetics, our environment, and the choices we make. You could have someone with great genes but a poor lifestyle, and they might end up with these issues. On the other hand, you might have someone with less favorable genetics but a fantastic lifestyle, and they could end up in the same place. It’s that constant interplay between genetics and environment that determines our overall health.

Introducing NeuroRegenex

One of the most exciting product launches for managing neuroinflammation is NeuroRegenex, a new supplement from MediHerb. This unique herbal formulation contains curcumin extract, Boswellia, Bupleurum root, and Gotu Kola extract. These herbs work together to provide rejuvenating brain support and help the body adapt to stress while promoting a healthy inflammatory response.

Download the MediHerb NeuroRegenex Fact Sheet

Neuro Inflammation Support with NeuroRegenex

Here’s how the herbs in NeuroRegenex work:

  • Tonify the brain and support healthy mental clarity, cognition, and memory function, as used traditionally in Ayurveda.
  • Rejuvenate and support the body’s natural ability to adapt to temporary stress.
  • Support a healthy inflammatory response, helping reduce neuroinflammation.
  • Enhance systemic antioxidant activity, protecting your cells and brain.

Let’s Geek Out Together: Curcumin with FenuMAT™ Technology

One of the standout features of NeuroRegenex is the curcumin extract, which uses a specialized FenuMAT™ technology to enhance bioavailability. Bioavailability refers to how well a substance is absorbed by the body. Unformulated turmeric is known to have low bioavailability, but with FenuMAT™ technology, curcumin’s bioavailability is significantly increased.

Here’s how it works:

  • The FenuMAT™ technology uses Fenugreek galactomannans, a natural prebiotic fiber, to form a protective hydrogel around the turmeric. This protects the active curcuminoids from degradation in the digestive tract, allowing for better absorption.
  • It also allows for slow release into the body, promoting direct absorption into the bloodstream and lymphatic system.
  • Studies show that curcumin with FenuMAT™ technology has 45 times greater bioavailability compared to unformulated curcumin.

NeuroRegenex is ideal for people who:

  • Want to maintain healthy brain function.
  • Need support for mental clarity, cognition, and memory.
  • Face the challenges of daily life and need a rejuvenating tonic to support a healthy stress response.
  • Would benefit from herbs that support the body’s natural antioxidant and inflammatory responses.

The Bigger Picture: A Holistic Approach

In my practice, I don’t just focus on supplements. I believe in a holistic approach to health. While supplements like NeuroRegenex can make a big difference, they’re just part of the solution. As I often tell my patients, “You have to move it or lose it.” That means getting outside, staying active, and making sure you’re challenging your brain with mental exercises like crossword puzzles. Even if you have low levels of neurological inflammation, you can still improve your brain’s capacity to operate by exercising it.

It’s not just about what we eat or what supplements we take—it’s about how we think, how we move, and how we interact with our environment. Our emotions, lifestyle, and positive thinking all play a role in reducing inflammation and improving brain health.

When we address neuroinflammation, we’re not just treating symptoms—we’re working to resolve the issue at a physiological level.

Let’s see what we can accomplish together.

Warm regards,

Dr. Brian Klepzig

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

From the Desk of Brian Klepzig

Don’t let your health issues hold you back any longer! If you believe that Dr. Klepzig’s expertise and experience align with your needs, then I urge you to take the next step and request an appointment.

With his personalized approach and his dedication to finding the best solution for each individual patient, you could be on your way to feeling better and living your life to the fullest. So why wait? Contact us today and take the first step towards a healthier you!