Dr Klepzig Holistic Principles


There’s a concept of holism and alternative medicine practitioners. Whether you’re a naturopath or an acupuncturist or chiropractor or nutritionist, even through your training, you’re initially exposed to vitalistic holistic principles and that becomes core piece. And what sets you apart makes you different from other healing systems, especially here in the United States, we have our medical system, which does a great job for what our medical system is supposed to do.

But there are gaps, and we all know it continuity or the care that people receive. So Western medicine is excellent with acute care, but then the chronic issues are probably not necessarily better, but co managed very well with alternative medicine type techniques. And the difference becomes when you look at something in a holistic, vitalistic way, you’re looking at how all the pieces fit together.

And to some degree, those principles we stick to, and we always have. So several examples come to mind, and the first one is probiotics. Everyone today knows, take a probiotic.

Take a probiotic. Well, ten or 15 years ago, if I told someone to take a probiotic, it was a really big deal. And their doctor said, wow, that’s not really necessary.

The pharmacist laughed. Today everyone knows you should do it. Another example that comes to mind would be trans fats.

As an alternative medicine practitioner, we were telling people, no trans fats, they’re bad for you. They get into cell rips and cell membrane, make it stupid. See, I must have trans fats.

Another example would be eggs. Don’t eat your eggs for 2025 years. We said, eat your eggs.

Well, guess what? Now eggs are fine for you. And so there are certain sets of vitalistic principles that never go away. And in the role of alternative medicine, we stick to those principles and we continue to build on them.

And when something is true, it always remains that way. I mean, we can always refine it and try to do better with it. But you don’t just abandon a principle because someone discovered it or started using it 60 years ago.

It’s still relevant, it still affects physiology.

From the Desk of Brian Klepzig

Don’t let your health issues hold you back any longer! If you believe that Dr. Klepzig’s expertise and experience align with your needs, then I urge you to take the next step and request an appointment.

With his personalized approach and his dedication to finding the best solution for each individual patient, you could be on your way to feeling better and living your life to the fullest. So why wait? Contact us today and take the first step towards a healthier you!