Dr Klepzig Expands on Heart Disease


There are three different, basically three different parts to your heart. We want to break it down very simply. There’s going to be the electrical part of your heart, there’s going to be the pumping part of your heart muscular walls, and then there are the blood vessels.

So the things that can go wrong are the blood vessels can get inflamed. And when they get inflamed, if you don’t have enough nutrients in your body, you can’t make a repair to the inside lining of the blood vessel. And when that happens, your body’s going to make excess cholesterol to plug the leak, because as the inside lining of your blood vessel starts to thin out, become inflamed, you could bleed from the inside out.

So your body has an intelligence about itself, it’s going to plug the leak and then as it plugs the leak with cholesterol, it’s going to seal it over with calcium. Calcium is going to catch the blood, flats, blood fats as they come through, and those blood fats then are going to build up and create the blockage. Well, the real issue is lack of nutrients to heal the damage to the inside line of the blood vessel.

It’s not the cholesterol. Cholesterol is not the issue. So treating cholesterol year after year after year has led to some really nice low cholesterol numbers, but it hasn’t changed the statistics in heart disease at all.

So, from the standpoint of when the blood vessels become inflamed, we need the right nutrients to repair it. And when the heart muscle gets weak, like in congestive heart failure, we need the right herbs and or nutrients to repair it. Then again, if it gets too weak over a long period of time, you might need medication to strengthen that.

But maybe we can make it so that you need less medication than what you’re currently taking. Or maybe someday you don’t need any at all, but you might be at a place where you do need medication. But we can strengthen the heart muscle itself.

The electrical part of the heart can get put under pressure when there’s stress on the cardio, when there’s stress on the vascular system, or when there’s stress on the heart muscle itself, it can cause the electrical part of your heart to skip, beeps flutter and do things like that. Well, the electricity has a lot to do with the minerals in your system. So when it comes to the electrical side of your heart, we have to look at all three aspects of it.

We need to make sure that we have all the right nutrients for the electrical spark to happen and travel down the pathways and do what it’s supposed to do in a nice, coordinated fashion. But we also have to take the stress off the heart muscle and off the vessels themselves. So there are some great, great tools for working with heart disease and managing the condition and standard process.

And Medier have the best tools available. That’s what I use here in the office. And I use my form of muscle testing, or kinesiology, based on energetics as well as your biochemistry.

So if you have any kind of heart disease that you want help with, come in, bring in all of your tests that you’ve ever had done before, all of your medical diagnoses, and take a look at all that information and combine it with an energetic testing system. We’re going to look at your system overall and start to put you back together again. Close.

From the Desk of Brian Klepzig

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