Dr Klepzig Certified Clinical Nutritionist Final


A nutritionist is more of a generalized term for just changing your diet to be healthier. Whereas with clinical nutrition, we’re looking to apply nutrition to a disease process. So that does mean herbs, nutrition, traditional supplements and dietary changes.

So it really takes the knowledge of a physician or someone trained in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and all those bits and pieces that make things work so that we can apply the phytochemistry to the health condition. And that’s more what we’re doing. So there’s a lot more in depth work that goes on, if you will, rather than just saying, eat your vegetables because we know that and we’re not doing it.

I always joke and say I probably came out of the womb thinking about nutrition. Right. So that was sort of the base piece.

But I was introduced to chiropractic care through having an injury myself, and I thought, wow, that’s just a cool job. And I was able to go back to school and study to be a chiropractor. And there you spend three and a half years learning the biochemistry and the anatomy and all those things I thought were so great.

And so from there, I had an experience with acupuncture while I was studying chiropractic. Right, okay. And that’s what got me started off on the path of Eastern medicine.

And that just the premise of it made sense to me right away. So you can take that information and then you can apply it to everything around you, especially food. So the quality of our food matters is we’re figuring out more and more, not only the nutritional value, but again, the energetics, how well it was cared for and taken care of through the process.

But in my practice, I wear a lot of different hats as a DC and an acupuncturist and an A nutritionist. But probably the way I can affect lives the most is through clinical nutrition, we can change the biochemistry. And I use supplements that not only are organically grown and have great phytochemistry to them and high quality, but they’re also the process to retain the energy.

And that’s one of the most important aspects to what I use. So if we’re using an herb like ashwagandha, the way it’s processed has that energetic imprint. It’s exactly the same as you, as if you pulled it out of the ground and just ate it and nothing is lost.

So the energy and biochemistry, and when you have those combined, that’s where the magic is. So in Western medicine, we’re looking at biochemistry only, and we’re not considering that there’s an electrical part to us, everything else. That’s why you don’t shower with your toaster, because you are electrical.

And so in Eastern medicine, we take that into account, and not every company out there does that and understands the importance of that. So in my practice, that comes first. We have to have energy and biochemistry married together, just like it is in nature.

I just want people to know that complicated health issues don’t have to be that complicated. I think sometimes we make them more complicated than they actually are. What we need to do is just lay a foundation and have a plan that makes sense, and that is workable for the patient.

And we just have to find the balance and move through time. And you will continue to get better? If that’s what we do.

From the Desk of Brian Klepzig

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